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Books Received

By Various Authors, 1964
Barron, Frank: Creativity and Psychological Health. Princeton, N. I.: Van Nostrand, 1963. Pp. 292. $6.50

Booth, Edwin P., ed.: Religion Ponders Science. N. Y.: Appleton-Century, 1964. Pp. 302. $5.95

Burroughs, William, and Ginsberg, Allen: The Yage Letters. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1963. Pp. 68. $1.25

Chein, I., Gerard, D. L., Lee, R. S., and Rosenfeld, E.: The Road to H: Nar­cotics, Delinquency and Social Policy. N. Y. & London: Basic Books, Inc.., 1964. Pp. 482. $12.50

Greidanus, Johan H.: Fundamental Physical Theory and the Concept of Consciousness. N. Y.: Pergamon Press, 1961. Pp. 159. $5.00

Gurwitsch, Aron: The Field of Consciousness. [Duquesne Studies (Psycho­logical Series, Vol. 2)]. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1964. Pp. 427. (Louvain: Editions E. Nauwelaerts). $7.95

Heard, Gerald: The Five Ages of Man. The Psychology of Human History. N. Y.: Julian Press, Inc., 1963. Pp. 393. $8.50

Johnson, Raynor C.: The Imprisoned Splendour. An approach to Reality, based upon the significance of data drawn from the fields of Natural Science, Psychical Research and Mystical Experience. N. Y.: Harper & Row, 1953. Pp. 424. $5.00

King, C. Daly: The Stales of Human Consciousness. New Hyde Park, N. Y.: University Books. Pp. 176. $7.50

Ling, T. M., and Buckman, J.: Lysergic Acid (LSD 25) & Ritalin in the Treatment of Neurosis.. London: Lambarde Press, 1963. Pp. 172. (Distri­buted in the U. S. by Medical Examination Pub. Co., Inc., Flushing 65, N. Y. $5.00)

Michaux, Henri: Light Through Darkness. Transl. by Haakon Chevalier. N. Y.: Orion Press, 1963. Pp. 230. $5.00 [French title : Connoissanct par les gouffres, Librairie Gallimard, 1961.]

Robson, J. M., and Stacey, R. S.: Recent Advances in Pharmacology. Third Edition. Boston: Little, Brown, 1962. Pp. 203. $4.50

U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health) : Animal Research in Psychopharmacology: Central Nervous System Effects. A Compilation from the Available World Literature for 1960. Ed. & comp. by Leon S. Otis, John J. Bosley, Lucy Birzis, C. Jelleff Carr and George J. Cosmides. [Psychopharmacology Hand­book, Vol. II, 1960.] Wash., D.C.: Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office [1963]. Pp. 529. $3.00

Vernon, Jack A.: Inside the Black Room. Studies in Sensory Deprivation. N. Y.: Clarkson N. Potter, 1964. Pp. 203. $4.50

Watts, Alan W.: The Two Hands of God. The Myths of Polarity. N. Y.: George Braziller, 1963. Pp. 261. ("Patterns of Myths" series, A. W. Watts, General Editor.) $6.00

Wienpahl, Paul : The Matter of Zen. A brief account of :wen. New York University Press, 1964. Pp. 162. $3.95

WoIstenholme, Gordon, ed.: Man and His Future. Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown, 1963. Pp. 410. $6.00

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The Castalia Foundation | Est. 1963 | Millbrook, USA | Founded by Timothy Leary